1839-09-14-Newark Daily Advertiser-Mormonism

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Source: Newark Daily Advertiser, 14 September 1839, p. 2, c 4.


Mormonism.——An individual calling himself a Mormon, agreeably to previous notice, held forth at the Commissioners's Hall, Northern Liberties, and we are told by several very respectable person, in whose word we can place implicit reliance, delivered and impressive and highly eloquent address, advocating most zealously a strict adherence to all the moral and religious precepts contained in divine revelations. If this be a real Simon Pure, as he declares himself to be, the sect with which he is connected are not the wild and enthusiastic fanatics about which of late so much has been said, and upon which the bitterest denunciations have been profusely lavished.——Judging, from what is reported to have fallen from his lips last evening, there is no body of professing christians who more zealous adhere to the scriptures than to that which he is attached.——Phil. Com. Herald.

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