1843 08 01 Times and Seasons-Conference Minutes
From the Times and Seasons 1 August 1843, pg 286-287
A conference of Elders and other official members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, was held in Columbian Hall, No. 263 Grand Street, New york, on the 16th, 17th, and 18th days of May, 1843.
Elder Richard Birdge was unanimously elected Chairman, and L. R. Foster Clerk.
After prayer by the chairman, reports were heard from the different branches represented, and then each member of the conference reported his doings since last conference.
The Branch at New York, represented by elder Foster, consists of four high priests, fourteen elders, four priests, four teachers, two deacons, and one hundred and thirty-five members, all in fellowship, and most of them in good standing. Since last conference, in October, fifteen have been added by baptism, and eighteen from other branches. Thirteen have been excommunicated, and many have moved to Nauvoo and other places.