1842-01-11-New York Tribune-Progress of the New Church

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Progress of the New Church

Source: New York Tribune, 11 January 1842, pg 1

Progress of the New Church � The Herald, edited by the distinguished leader of the "great moral and social movement" "for the independent organization of the Catholic Church in America," to wit, James Gordon Bennett, treats its readers to a leader in yesterday's paper, from whichwe take the following significant extracts:

"The revelation, or the developement, or the system of the Mormons is the most original of the present age. It is far more adapted to the present century � and to modern civilization, than the Romish system. It combines simplicity � good sense � belief in any quantity � love � morals � energy � industry � liberty of the press � moderation � singleness of purpose � enthusiasm � devotion � temperance � imagination � in one vast and massive

system of civilization. Their progress corresponds with their principles. In two years, the Holy City of God, Nauvoo, has risen from a few houses, to possess 10,000 souls, besides much cattle, all animated by the same spirit � believing the same faith � obeying the same moral rules � and combined in the same great purpose of regenerating the race of man on earth. They believe that they possess a direct revelation from heaven � and who can gainsay them? Who can say that thou liest? Has not Joe Smith as good a right to be considered the vicegerent of God, as the Pope of Rome?"

It appears that the "independent erganization of the Catholic Church in America" and the Mormons, being very similar in spirit and character, are about to be or have been fused into one; but whether Bennett or Joe Smith is to be Pope of the combined Church, is not clearly stated. It is a matter of much interest, though of no immediate practical consequence, as the two chiefs go along together most lovingly. The last Nauvoo Times, the Mormon oracle, states that "we are informed that there is to be a public demonstration in favor of that most ably conducted and useful paper, the New-York Weekly Herald, by the City Council, [of the City of God] at its next meeting. Just as it should be � let true merit be rewarded � honor to whom honor is due."

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