1846-03-28-New York Tribune-City of Elms
City of Elms
- New York Daily Tribune, 20 February 1846, pg 3
- New York Daily Tribune, 26 February 1846, pg 3
- New York Daily Tribune, 28 March 1846, pg 1
THE EXHIBITION OF THIS MODEL, together with the Models of the Public Buildings of New-York and the Mormon Temple at Nauvoo, will remain open for a short time longer at the Granite Building. Tickets 25 cents.
- E. PORTER BELDEN, Proprietor.
- Superintendent of Exhibition.
representing in carved wood every building, shed, tree and other object in the Great Metropolis of America, which will be completed in a few months. Above this model will be a Canopy, on which will be delinested views of public buildings, places of business, manufactories, private residences, hotels, steamboats, &c. ranging from 10 to 30 inches in length, for which a moderate compensation will be charged.
Having now so nearly completed a Model of New-York, the proprietor will either sell or give a lease of the Model of New-haven, &c.
Office hours, from 2 to 6 P. M.
14f 6tis* E. PORTER BELDEN, 860 Broadway.