1899-01-25-New York Sun-Wants Roberts Expelled
- New York Sun, January 25, 1899, p. 7
Wants Roberts Expelled
The Rev. W. R. Campbell Speaks Against the Utah Representative in Brooklyn.
The Rev. W. R. Campbell, who has spent the past twelve years as a Presbyterian missionary in Utah, was the principal speaker at the massmeeting held in the Washington Avenue Baptist Church in Brooklyn last night to urge the expulsion of Mr. Roberts from Congress. He said in closing:
"Mr. Roberts claims that he is entitled to a
seat in the House of Representatives not with
standing his continuing to live in old poly-
gamous relations. He claims that the law
against living in such polygamous relations is
unconstitutional, therefore null and void. If
he is permitted to sit in the House of Repre
sentatives, no matter what excuse Congress
may give for its action, the Mormon people
will understand it to be a vindication of Mr.
Roberts' position, and in the very near future
the Legislature of Utah will repeal the said
law 'against unlawful cohabitation.' Then
the Mormons will be perfectly free to practice
polygamy without running the risk of even a