1915-09-Juvenile Instructor—Annual Statistical and Financial Report of Latter-day Saints Sunday Schools 1914
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Annual Statistical and Financial Report of Latter-day Saints Sunday Schools for Year Ending December 31, 1914
- Juvenile Instructor, September 1915, pp. 592-593.
- Name of Stake or Mission: Eastern States Mission
- Superintendent or Mission President: Walter P. Monson
- P. O. Address: New York, N. Y.
- No. of Schools: 27
- No. members in Ward between 4 and 20 inclusive: not listed
- No. members between 4 and 20 inclusive enrolled in Sunday School: not listed
- No. times schools held during year: 986
- Male officers and teachers: 93
- Female officers and teachers: 59
- Total officers and teachers: 152
- Percentage Attending: not listed
- and teachers lawfully excused.: not listed
- No. male pupils, not including Parents Dept.: 294
- No. female pupils, not including Parents Dept.: 269
Enrollment by Departments, not incl. Parents Dept. or Crade Roll:
- Kindergarten: 25
- Primary: 112
- First Intermediate: 26
- Second Intermediate: 20
- Theological: 380
- Total No. pupils not including Parents Dept.: 563
- Percentage Attendance pupils, not including Parents: not listed
- Number on Cradle Roll: 23
- Total Enrollment in Parents Dept.: 6
- Percentage of attendance in Parents Dept.: not listed
- No. Stake S.S. Officers and Board not on Ward Roll: not listed
- Grand Total Enrollment: 744
- Total cash on hand at last report and collected during year including nickel contributions.: not listed
- Cash disbursed including nickel contribution: not listed
- Cash in Treasury: not listed