1922-11—Juvenile Instructor—Missionary Sunday Schools
Missionary Sunday Schools
- Juvenile Instructor, November 1922, p. 616
=Eastern States Mission
A comparative report of the Sunday Schools of the Eastern States Mission, covering the first half of the present year, makes interesting reading and show a commendable state of activity.
The Black Creek, N. Y. school had an average attendance of 85 1-3 per cent; Albany, N. Y. 84.6 per cent; Providence, R. I. 62 per cent and New Haven, Conn. 80.8 per cent, while six other schools ran between 70 and 80 per cent, and five others between 60 and 70 per cent.
Mission Superintendent of Sunday Schools, Elder George W. Ashton, reports that the inauguration of these reports- had resulted in more careful record keeping, and brought an increase in attendance through the friendly rivalry induced by these comparative reports.
Superintendent Ashton also reports the holding of successful Sunday School Conferences, in which local workers have taken great interest, and through which they have been brought to realize more fully that their school is one of the great system of Sunday Schools conducted by the Church throughout the world, and inspires in them a more earnest desire to be in harmony in lesson work and all activities with the rest of the schools.