1924-10—Improvement Era—Better Foothold in Greater New York

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Better Foothold in Greater New York

Improvement Era, October 1924, pp. 1152-1153

Better Foothold in Greater New York

Under the direction of President B. H. Roberts and Conference President Len H. Layton, the Manhattan conference, Eastern States Mission, held a very successful conference on May 31 and June 1, so Elder Layton reports. Two Priesthood meetings were held on Saturday, May 31 , one for missionaries only, in which strong testimonies were given and the other, a general meeting for all members holding the Priesthood. President Roberts occupied most of the time, advising the Saints to "stay where they are, that God's work might grow into stakes of Zion in these Eastern states." This admonition was valuable, as many of the Saints have a spirit of gathering to Salt Lake City.

On Sunday three sessions were held, one at 10 a. m., and 2 and 7:30 p. m. The first included a brief report of the work in the five branches, and reports of the Sunday School, M. I. A., and Relief Society work. A cello solo and vocal solo added to the enjoyment of this meeting. The second session was devoted to real gospel propaganda. The text announced is found in I Peter 3:15, "Be ready always to give answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear." To this text four missionaries delivered very inspired remarks giving the reason for the hope that is within them, after which a male quartet sang, "Praying for you." President Roberts then bore his testimony of the hope that he had of eternal life. Edwin Tout sang a solo, accompanied by his daughter with violin obligate Francis O'Neill at the piano. At the third session, 160 people came to hear President Roberts treat a promising theme: "The value of religion and the way in which 'Mormonism' responds to it." Elders Hoff and Whalen sang, "The morning breaks, the shadows flee," a very fitting duet. The entire evening was turned over for this discourse. He gave it in a series of deep and well organized thoughts, showing that the value of a religion is to be able to learn from it your purpose in life. This conference, it is felt, is a step towards gaining a better foothold in greater New York.

A joint conference of the officers of the four Relief Societies of the Brooklyn conference was held June 19 at the home of Mrs. Howard R. Driggs. Elders and missionaries are as follows: Bottom row left to right: Wesley Hubbard, Mary Christensen, Frances J. O'Neill, Phildon Huf faker. Second row from left to right: George Harold Holt. Andrew Spencer, Maurine Parker, Mission Stenographer; B. H. Roberts, President Eastern States Mission: Dr. Margaret C. Roberts, Len H. Layton. Conference President Brooklyn Conference: O. Ragnar Linde, Mission Secretary; Carl E. Weaver. Top row: Edith Pincock, Donald C. Sloan, Mollie Higginson. Antone Bunker. Charles L. Moore, E. L. Sloan, Ivaloo Jeppson, Ernest Hulet, Mission Bookkeeper: Leyonna Van Kampen.

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