1844-07-06-Letter from Wilford Woodruff

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The Prophet v1n8 06 July 1844, pg 3

Franklin, Oakland Co., Mich., June 13th, 1844.

Mr. Editor�The first No. of the Prophet fell into our hands on our arrival here�we feel highly gratified at the stand you have taken, and the spirit manifested in supporting "Jeffersonian" equal rights and protection of persons and property. It seems necessary at the present day for all the lovers of law and order, to maintain inviolate those principles which are embodied in the spirit of the Constitution, and inspired the patriots of '76, in laying the foundation of universal liberty, peace, and equal rights, which they desired to secure to themselves and their posterity.

It cannot be hid from the observing mind, that the day has arrived when some men feel disposed, (if we judge from their actions) to make a thrust at the heart of the Constitution and far transcend their bounds of right; and that too, while clothed with Judicial, Legislative and Executive authority, they make use of that authority, to mob, banish and murder many American citizens, whom they were bound by their oath to protect:�whereby they establish and sustain the spirit of mobs in the place of right, become a part of the history of our country, Missouri being the principle actor. The spirit of mobs should be snipped in the bud, as the fruit of it is dangerous to every community, nation, and government upon the earth, as every portion of any community where it is supported and sustained, will in their turn feel its weight, and calamity rolling like a flood upon their heads.

We hope and trust that you will be supported and sustained in your noble undertaking, in maintaining a press in New York City, based upon liberal and wise principles. We are pleased that there is a prospect of having the claims of Genl. Smith presented before the people freely, liberally and without reserve from your organ, that the people may have in that quarter the claims and reasons that the friends of Gen. Smith have in presenting his name as a candidate for the Presidency.

We have held Mass meeting sin the various cities, towns and villages, through which we have passed in Illinois and Michigan and have laid before the people, the views of Genl. Smith on the powers and policy of the government of the Untied States, and the claims of his friends, and made an appeal to the people, and have every reason to believe that Gen. Smith will receive a far greater support in this region, than was anticipated. Many influential men have expressed the sentiment that Gen. Smith has marked out in his views, the wisest and most judicious course for the benefit of the nation that has been presented before the people, and that they will support him.

The friends of Jeffersonianism in Michigan have a state Convention on the 6th day of July at Jacksonburg, and the order of the delegation has been so judicially arranged and planned by Gen. Rich that each portion o fthe State will be represented, send a few numbers of the Prophet for the benefit of the convention, addressed to Gen. C. C. Rich. Many in this place have expressed their intention of supporting your paper, and you probably will hear from them soon.

Yours in haste,
Wilford Woodruff
Geo. A. Smith

Elder Woodruff will attend the conference in Boston and New York.

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