1856-08-23-New York Tribune-American Mahomedans
From New York City LDS History
American Mahomedans
- New York Tribune, 23 August 1856, pg. 1
A M E R I C A N M A H O M E D A N S —
Soon the State of Utah will knock at the door of the Union for admission. Shall she come with her gross immoralities, her horrid crimes and debaucheries, and with her dark, wild, and baseless superstitions, not excelled in the deepest recesses of the Turkish harems or in the foulest haunts of asiatic licentiousness and debauchery? Read this full history of their origin, their alarming progress, and their present position, power, and purposes, and you will realize the magnitude and pressing importance of the question.
Single copies sent by mail postpaid on receipt of price. A fine book for Agents.
No. 25 Park Row, New-York, and No. 107 Genesee at Auburn.