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Diaries of William Stuart Brighton

Brighton, William Stuart. Diaries. pp. 137-147.

23rd Sunday, the sea smooth, but weather very cold. In the forenoon the pilot came on board and all was feeling gay. In the afternoon we held meeting [p.142] with the Saints and administered the Sacrament among them. A Jew of the brethren spoke to them. I spoke a little to them on the importance of being faithful to the cause that they had embraced. The names of the brethren that are returning home with me are: John Donaldson, C. W. Staner [Stayner], A. Terry, & Cook, John Evens [Evans], Mark Beazer, W. D. Williams, W. C. Parkinson, Robert [-], [Edwin] Entwistle. In the evening we had meeting again with the saints when Brother John Evens [Evans] gave some good instructions to the Saints in regard to the kingdom of God. Brother Mark Beazer followed him with more [p.143] about the kingdom that God was to set up in the last days. All together had a good time of it.

24th Monday, a beautiful morning, but very cold. All moving along nicely and expecting to arrive at New York in the afternoon, and feeling very happy. We arrived in the afternoon alright. Stayed all night in the Castle Garden and on board the barge that was to take us and our luggage over to Jersey City to put us on the cars for Chicago.

25th Tuesday, went over to Jersey City in the forenoon and got all ready for to start out. At 7:30 I went back to New York [p.144] along with Brother James H. Hart and got a ticket for Chicago with the privilege of laying over at Pittsburgh. I left New York at 8.8 p.m. for Pittsburgh.

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