1882-05-24-Deseret News-Conference at Brooklyn
Local and Other Matters
- Deseret News, 24 May 1882
Conference at Brooklyn.—A conference of saints was held in Americus Hall, Grand St., Brooklyn, on Sunday, April 16, 1882.
Conference was called to order by President H. G. Bywater at 2 p.m. Present from Utah, Elders John I. Hart, West, Nye and several others on their way to europe on missions.
After singing and prayer President Bywater announced that it had been determined by the brethren composing the Brooklyn Branch to drop the name of New York Conference, there being no organized branches in New York save Brooklyn; also to dissolve the present organization and re-organize as the Brooklyn Branch of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
President Bywater then tendered his resignation as President which was accepted. Elder James T. Flashman was nominated and elected as President of the the Brooklyn Branch, choosing for Counselors, H. G. Bywater and Thomas Miller.
Elder J. I. Hart presented the Authorities of the Church in Utah as organized at present which were sustained by the Conference.
Addresses were made by the Missionaries present, chiefly on Utah affairs.
After a most enjoyable meeting the conference was closed with prayer by Elder Hart.