1839-08-24-Newark Daily Advertiser-Mormons in Monmouth County
Mormons in Monmouth County
- Source: Newark NJ Daily Advertiser, 24 August 1839, p. 3.
Mormons in Monmouth County
We learn that the Mormons in Monmouth County, in this State, are to have a protracted Camp Meeting next week. The following notice has been issued:
WOODS MEETING.——The Church of the Latter Day Saints, (commonly called Mormons,) will hold a meeting in the Woods, on the farm of Mr. Charles Hopkins, on the Monmouth road, near Hornerstown, to commence on Wednesday the 28th August inst. and continue several days, (at least through the Sabbath.) Several of the first Elders of the Church, from the West, are expected to be there, when a statement of the facts relative to the persecution and suffering of the church in Missouri will be laid before the public by one of the brethren delegated by the Church, and recommended to the public by the Governor of the State of Illinois.
- Aug. 15, 1839.