1844-08-10-List of Agents
From The Prophet, v1 n13, 10 August 1844, p 3
List of Agents
All travelling Elders are requested to act as agents, to procure subscribers for the Prophet.
Elder S. J. Raymond is authorised to act as general agent for Long Island.
Tyrus C. Moore is authorised to act as agent for the Prophet.
Elders Wm. A. Moore and Elijah Malin, of Chester County, Pa. are requested to act as agents, for the Prophet.
Elder J. B. Meynell is authorised to receive subscriptions for the Prophet in England.
Elders E. H. Davis, E. F. Sheets and J. A. Stratton on a mission to the British Isles, will act as general agents for the Prophet; they left in the Europe on the 1st inst., for England.
Elder George J. Adams is authorized to act as agent for the Prophet.
Br. Milton F. Bartlet is authorized to act as travelling agent for the Prophet.
Elder Annanias McAllister is authorized to act as agent for the Prophet.
S. Armstrong, of Philadelphia, is authorized to receive subscriptions for the Prophet.
Albert & _____ Lutz are authorised to act as general agents for the Prophet.
Elder Benj. Winchester is requested to use his influence in his Southern Mission and act as agent for the Prophet.
Elder A. Badlam is authorised to act as general agent for the Prophet.
Bro. A. R. Wright, of Ohio, is authorized to procure subscribers and receive monies for the Prophet. He is also, authorised to dispose of a few Shares of the Capital Stock of the "Society for the Diffusion of Truth."
Elder John Hardy is our General Agent at Boston, those wishing to subscribe for the "Prophet," in that City or vicinity will please forward their names to him.
Elders B. W. Elliot and R. J. Coates, are authorised to act as agents for the Prophet.
Elders Alfred Cordon and James Burgess, are authorised to act as agents in Vermont for the Prophet.
Nathaniel V. Jones is our authorised agent for Rochester, N. Y.
Br. Clair is our authorised agent at Hudson, N. Y.
Thomas S. Woodbury, is our General Agent at Philadelphia.
Mr. Valentine Merrill, Jr., of South Norwalk, (Ct.) is our authorized Agent.
Mr. E. Ward Pell is authorized to act as Agent for the "Prophet."
Traveling Elders are requested to act as Agents for the "Prophet," and receipt for all monies, and forward the same as soon as convenient.
Elder Melvin Wilber, is authorised to act as Travelling Agent for the Prophet.
Elder Q. S. Sparks, of Hartford, Con. is authorised to act as General Agent for the Prophet.
Elder J. J. Woodbury, has authority to act as Travelling Agent for the Prophet.
Elder Henry Jennings, of Waynesville, Ohio, is requested to act as Travelling Agent for the Prophet.