1846-01-29-New York Evening Post-Mormon Baptism Extraordinary

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Mormon Baptism Extraordinary

New York Evening Post, 29 January 1846, v.XLIV, pg 2

MORMON BAPTISM EXTRAORDINARY.—A gentleman of New Haven, says the New Haven Courier, passing the canal bridge near the upper basin, had his attention attracted by the sound of vocal music, and on repairing thither found assembled a number of persons, male and female, each bearing a candle, and uniting in singing hymns. Amid the group stood a female convert to the Mormon faith, to whom Elder Pell, a leader of this Church, if such it may be termed, was about to administer the right of Baptism. After numerous ceremonies, the band of fanatics descended to the banks of the canal, and a hole being broken in the ice, the deluded victim of this preposterous creed was let down into the aperture, and there baptized by the Elder, "by the name of Mary Ann, and by the authority of Jesus Christ!" The company then withdrew along the tow-path singing as they went,and the female was escorted home. This body of Mormons, as we are informed, are preparing for emigration to California. We regret to add, that the new convert is the wife of a respectable merchant of this city.

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