1850-11-27—New York Evening Post—The Literary Wants of Utah

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The Literary Wants of Utah

New York Evening Post, November 27, 1850, p. 2

The Literary Wants of Utah

Congress had appropriated five thousand dollars for the commencement of a library for the territory of Utah, and John M. Bernhisel, of the Mormon settlement at Deseret, is appointed the agent to procure the books. Mr. Bernhisel has issued a circular, addressed "To the Authors, Editors, and Publishers of the United States," in which he speaks of the universal disposition of the people of the territory to submit cheerfully to the laws of the government of the Union, and their sense of the importance of preparing themselves, by proper institutions of education and by all the means of information derived through the art of printing, for taking their place hereafter in the Union as an intelligent, and prosperous state. The position of the territory, he observes, cuts off the inhabitants from the depositories of learning accessible to torahs, and the mails arrive at distant periods. He closes his circular thus:

"He will remain in the city of New York a considerable portion of the winter for that purpose. While thus appropriating his time, it has occurred to himself and his friends, that a most agreeable and profitable method of furthering this design, would be to acquaint authors and publishers of books and newspapers throughout the United States, with the wants of his constituents, and to assure them of the sincere gratitude with which donations from them will be received.

"All such files of papers and copies of works can be forwarded by mail, addressed to the Hon. George Briggs, Member of Congress, New York city. The word Utah should be written on the outside of the envelope inclosing them, so that their destination may be more correctly distinguished from works intended for the honorable member himself. By this arrangement they will be assured of reaching their destination, and of their appropriation to their avowed object.

"The autograph of the author or donor will increase the value of his gift, and convey to the reader of a succeeding generation a pleasing moment of the man to whom he may be indebted for his means of communicating with the mind of a preceding age. The volumes, firmly enveloped in thick wrappers may be forwarded at your earliest convenience as above requested."

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