1856-09-29-New York Herald-Disturbance at the Mormon Meeting

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Disturbance at the Mormon Meeting

New York Herald, 29 September 1856, p. 1

Disturbance at the Mormon Meeting

At a meeting held by the Mormons, at Brooks' Assembly Rooms, last night, while Judge Appleby was in the act of defending the leading doctrines of his sect, especially polygamy, a young man, apparently English, rose, and in his excitement, flatly contradicted the elder, by calling out, "You are a liar!" A tumult immediately ensued. The whole audience rose en masse, and certainly would have inflicted semmary punishment upon the intruder had he not be forcibly withdrawn by a friend who was with him. The young man, whose name we could not ascertain, stated that he had been at Utah, and found such a den of wickedness and vice as can scarcely be imagined, and, believing the statement of Judge Appleby calculated to lead the unwary astray, made this counter statement, although not in a calm manner. After the offender had been removed, the meeting proceeded, and the speaker took occasion to remark on the persecution suffered by the brethren throughout the world.

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