1860-10-13-New York Dispatch-Notes and Queries
Notes and Queries
- New York Dispatch, 13 October 1860, p. 1
Ar. Ess. Jay.—The Olympic Theatre was originally opened in 1835 by Blake & Willard. After a short and not very successful season, its originators closed it, when David M'Kinney leased it. Failing in his enterprise, it passed into the hands of Elder Adams, the tragedian. The Mormon actor, however, was no more successful than his predecessors, and retired in disgust. His histrionic talents were not appreciated by the public, and gthe Olympic fell into the hands of Mr. Mitchell, who held it eleven seasons, when he too retired, in 1849, on the sucession of Miss Mary Taylor from the stage to private life. The theatre remained tenantless for some years, being only opened on spasmodic occasions; and the building was finally turned into a warehouse for the sale of carriages, etc. It was torn down about eight years ago.