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Letter from John A. Sutton - July 25, 1883

Sutton, John A., [Letter], Latter-day Saints' Millennial Star 45:33, (Aug. 13, 1883) p. 527.

Elder John A. Sutton, who left here on the 14th ultimo in charge of a small company of Saints from Iceland, writes from New York, July 25, 1883, as follows:

I write to inform you of our safe arrival here at 6 p.m. on the 24th, all well, with one exception, that of Sister Jonsdatter. She has been very sick all the way, and I did expect she would have to stay in New York, but the doctor thought, as she was anxious to go on, she might be able to stand the trip. I do hope she will. Everything was done for her on board that could be done. I have found it very difficult to make them understand, but, thank God, I have got along so far very well. Still I would rather take a company of a thousand English-speaking people. It has been very lonesome for me, with no one to speak to of our faith. We start this evening at 8 o'clock for home - yes, home sweet home in the mountains. God bless the people that are called Latter-day Saints who dwell there.

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