1890-06-20-New York Times-More Mormon Dupes

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More Mormon Dupes.[1]

The Guion steamship Wyoming, which arrived yesterday from Liverpool, brought 253 Mormon immigrants who, with the exception of one family, were allowed to land, and started for the West last evening. According to the agreement with the Mormon authorities, any of these immigrants will be sent back here should Col. Weber want them to make a test case.

Andreas Olesen, a Dane, is the head of the single Mormon family which was detained. He is a carpenter, and says that he paid the passage of himself, his wife, and his children. He alleges that G. S. Bastian, a Mormon missionary whom he saw at his home in Denmark, told him that he intended to build a house at Juab, Utah, and that if he would emigrate he would give him work on the building. Olesen said that for some time he intended coming to America, and would have come without Bastian's promise of work.

  1. New York Times, 20 June 1890, page 8
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