1890-08-14-New York Times-Mormon Immigrants From England

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Mormon Immigrants from England[1]

Among the immigrants who arrived on the Guion steamship Wisconsin yesterday were eighty Mormon immigrants, the greater portion of whom came from England. They were allowed to land and, with one exception, all started for Utah last evening. The exception was a young woman from Nottingham, named Eliza Gee, who had started to join her father, who went to Utah some years ago.

She had intended to embrace the Mormon faith, but in the course of the voyage became dissatisfied with the teachings of those around her. At the Barge Office she said that she did not wish to go to Utah, but preferred to return to her grandmother in England. The emigration authorities assured Eliza that she would be allowed to return, and turned her over to the care of the matron.

  1. New York Times, 14 August 1890, page 3
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