1901-06-23—Syracuse NY Post-Standard—Mormon Temple To Grace Gotham

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Mormon Temple To Grace Gotham

Syracuse NY Post-Standard, June 23, 1901, p. 1 (Special New York Herald Service)

Mormon Temple To Grace Gotham

NEW YORK, June 24.—Encouraged by their success in the East, the Latter Day Saints, as the disciples of Joseph Smith call themselves, plan to build in this city a Mormon temple, to serve as a place of worship for proselytes residing in the neighborhood of New York, and as the Eastern headquarters of the church. In time smaller edifices are to be erected in other States to provide for congregations as they may be organized.

"We are not sending proselytes to Utah and the adjoining States by the trainload, as reported in some newspapers," said John S. McQuarrie, president of the Easter States Mission to-day. "It is the policy of the Mormon Church to-day to discourage centralization., The Latter Day Saints intend to spread their doctrine broadcast. The propaganda will be made universal. To facilitate the work it is planned to localize our communities. Wherever the number of converts warrant it owe shall establish churches or places of worship."

Is it true that a Mormon temple is to be erected in New York?" Elder McQuarrie wa asked.

"Yes, that will come in time," he replied. "Just when, however, I do not know. The matter has been under discussion by the church authorities."

Elder B. F. Cummings, who arrived recently from Salt Lake City, expressed the opinion that a church edifice would rise in New York and in the course of a year or two.

"We have 1,000 followers in this vicinity," he said. "and it may be found cheaper to build a temple than to provide temporary places of worship for our people."

Although indisposed to discuss the question of a site for the projected temple, certain references made to-day by lay members of the sect to Central Park West indicate that the "Saints" have that locality in mind.

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