1903-05-17-New York Times-May Drive Out Utes
New York Times
17 May 1903, page 31
Building of Railroad Extension May Cost Them Rich Reservation.
DENVER, May 13. -- As a result of the rivalry between the Moffat syndtedte and the Union Pacific interests to open up the northwestern portion of Colorado and to push a short line from Denver to Salt Lake, a section of the country abounding not alone in riches, but in beauty of scenery and romance is to be opened up to civilization. It is apparently the intention of the Moffat syndicate to drive its line through the mountains west of Denver into Routt County, and then along the Valley of the Green River and across the Uintah Indian Reservation, almost straight over to Salt Lake City.
Mor ethan fifteen years ago John W. Young, who has recently figured in New York as the promoter of the Shipbuilding Trust, projected such a line, and raised capital in New York and London to start it. He had surveys made to the east from Salt Lake, and pushed the line through to Park City, about thirty miles from that city, but then the money gave out on account of the reluctance of Easter investors to sink capital in such an enterprise, and the road several years ago passed into the control of the Rio Grande Western, which now belongs to the Gould system.