1911-02-Improvement Era-President Lewis M Jensen
- Improvement Era, v14 n4, February 1911, pp. 359-360.
President Lewis M. Jensen
President Lewis M. Jensen, of the Fairmont, West Virginia conference of the Eastern States mission, writes, December 17, 1910, that the missionaries there are meeting with good success and making many friends. A Sunday school of twenty-five members is organized, and meets every Sunday morning, on which day, also, a sacrament meeting is held. The Mutual Improvement Association meeting is held every Tuesday evening, and singing practice on Thursday evening, with great success. At each practice a short gospel address is given, and it is found that the songs of Zion preach sermons to people who could not be reached in any other way. From three to five cottage meetings are held e/ery week among Saints and friends. A larger number of Books of Mormon, and other smaller books, are sold weekly. In the past ten months forty-one baptisms were performed in that conference. A Sun- day school is also conducted at Churches Fork, Wetzell county, at which seven or eight families, who are not members of the Church, but who are very much interested in the gospel, take part. All the elders are in good health, and feel that God is blessing them in their labors.