1912-05-09—Norwich CT Bulletin—Richeson Was Not a Mormon

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Richeson Was Not a Mormon

Norwich CT Bulletin, May 9, 1912, p. 1

Richeson Was Not a Mormon

Emphatic Denials Come from Several Sources

"It's A Foolish Fake"

Lawyer Morse Says It is Like Many Letters He Receives, Some Claiming to Be Messages from Heaven.

New York, May 8.—Clarence V. T. Richeson is not a member of the Mormon church, and was never at a Mormon conference in Staten Island, it is said in a statement issued tonight by W. S. Langdon, acting president of the Eastern States mission of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, with headquarters here.

Never Met at Staten Island.

The only conferences of the church ever held in this city were held att its headquarters uptown, Mr. Langdon explains, and the church never in its history held a conference on Staten Island, he said, and no Mormon missionary has ever labored there.

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