1912-06-03—New Haven CT Union—Mormon Leader to Speak

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Mormon Leader to Speak

New Haven CT Union, June 3, 1912, p. 1

Mormon Leader to Speak

Elder Ben E. Rich, Noted Mormon, To Address Public in Warner Hall on Thursday Evening.

One of the biggest figures in the Mormon church and one of the ablest expounders of the creed of Joseph Smith that the Mormon religion ever produced will address a New Haven audience next Thursday evening in Warner hall this city in the person of Elder Ben E. Rich, president of the Mormon Eastern States Mission. Elder Rich will explain just what Mormonism is to the local citizens and after his address any questions that anyone may desire to ask will be answered by him. He is known from coast to coast as an orator of unusual power, and the opportunity of listening to this distinguished exponent of a strange religious belief will be seized upon undoubtedly by a large number of citizens here. The meeting will be absolutely free and it is being held under the auspices of the local organization of the Mormon church, which has been quietly but actively working in this city and vicinity for some time. A surprisingly large number of converts have already been made in this city.

This will be the first indoor public mass meeting of the Mormons held in this state since they arrived here about two years ago. The Mormon elders stationed here are enthusiastic over the results achieved thus far in this land of steady habits and they are looking forward to even greater accomplishments. The meeting in Warner hall on Thursday night will mark the inauguration of a particularly active campaign by the local Mormons, which will continue during the entire summer. Elder Rich will sound a keynote for this campaign and the citizens of New Haven will surely be interested in what he has to say in behalf of the mysterious creed of the far-famed Joseph Smith.

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