1915-01-23-New York Tribune-General Items of the Week
General Items of the Week
- New York Tribune, 23 January 1915, page 11
The twentieth annual meeting of the New York Federation of Churches will be held in Pilgrim Hall, Broadway Tabernacle, Broadway at 56th st., next Monday and Tuesday. At 11 a. m. Monday Philander P. Claxton, United States Commissioner of Education, will speak on "The Possibilities of Public Religious Education in the United States." At 12:15 p. m. Mrs. F. S. Bennett will discuss "The Mormon Menace." At the afternoon session Professor Harry F. Ward, Boston University, will speak on "The Present Imperative for Social Christianity." On Tuesday, at 3:45 p. m., Charles Stelzle and others will talk on "The Unemployment Situation," and at 8:30 p. m. Colonel Roosevelt will lecture at the Metropolitan Opera House, for the benefit of the Inter-Church Unemployment Committee, on his South American explorations. Mayor Mitchel, Seth Low and Dr. Nehemiah Boynton will precede the lecture with remarks on the unemployment situation.