1921-10-20—Millennial Star—Opening of the Armenian Mission

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Opening of the Armenian Mission

Millennial Star, October 20, 1921, p. 668.

Opening of the Armenian Mission

On THE first day of October, 1909, the missionaries from Zion bade farewell to the saints in the Turkish mission, and left Aleppo, the headquarters, where there was then a flourishing branch of the Church. Several families of saints had a short time before left the Aintab branch, and since the above date others have emigrated. This reduction, together with deaths, deportations, etc., has left the remaining saints in a very sad and lonely condition. A few local elders were left with them ; but for years the two branches mentioned above have not had the assistance of a man holding the higher priesthood. They have pleaded by letter with returned elders to have someone sent to them. For twelve long years they have wai ted for their hopes to be realized. The General Authorities of the Church have decided to open up the mission again, under the name of the Armenian mission, and Elder Joseph W. Booth has been called to take charge of the work, and is now on his way to Syria.

The citizens of Provo, Utah, under the direction of the Stake Presidency, and with the aid of the Relief Society, have sent with Elder Booth a liberal supply of clothing. Handsome donations were also handed to him as a personal aid, this being Brother Booth's third mission to the far-off land. Besides the many expressions of kindness by the Provo people, the High Priests' Quorum of Utah Stake made a liberal contribution, also the Alpine ward, to which ward Elder Booth formerly belonged. In addition to this, the American saints and missionaries gave him a splendid parting gift, and the saints in the Brooklyn branch of the Eastern States mission handed him a check for $49.90, to be deposited to the credit of the Armenian relief work. The saints in Turkey have suffered greatly during the recent war period. They have had to live at times on grass and leaves, and in poor houses, and their clothing has been scanty. It is feared that one branch, that of Marach, has been entirely wiped out. Not a trace of a single member can be found. We hope to hear in the near future of better conditions there, and to learn of a new and healthy activity in the Armenian mission.

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