1930-04-02—White Plains NY Daily Reporter—Miss Smith Talks On Mormons Here
Miss Smith Talks On Mormons Here
- White Plains NY Daily Reporter, April 2, 1930, p. 10.
Miss Smith Talks On Mormons Here
Address Given at Meeting of Queen Esther Standard Bearers.
Mormonism was the subject of an interesting address given last night by Miss Elinor Smith at a meeting of the Queen Esther Standard Bearers of the Memorial M. E. Church in the Young Peoples chapel. Miss Ruth Starbuck, president of the group was in charge of the meeting. Following the address there was a social hour with refreshments. Miss Muriel Beyer was chairman of the committee on refreshments.
Miss Smith, having spent some time in Salt Lake City and being well acquainted with many whoo were converted from Mormonism spoke on the subject from an intimate knowledge of her topic. She brought out the point that the tourist bent on satisfying his curiosity about the Mormon gets only a far fetched and real version of Mormonism. The believers in that faith give the tourist only the impression that will be somewhat favorable to Mormonism. They hide from the outside world the real menace behind their so-called religion. Miss Smith gleaned her knowledge of Mormonism from facts told to her by real Mormons who had lived for years within the intimate circle of the group, but who were later converted to a real faith. Their sordid tales of the practices of Mormonism are amazing to the lay mind.
Most religions, Miss Smith pointed out, are ethical no matter what the individual members of the sect may practice. Immorality is not a part of their faith. But in the case of Mormonism this is not so. In spite of the fact that the Mormons claim that polygamy is no longer practiced, it is still a part of their life and not only sanctioned but encouraged by their leaders, she declared.
The speaker also touched non the virtues of the Mormons, declaring that they are industrious and efficient in the management of their colony.