1932-03-07—Poughkeepsie NY Eagle News—Lu Rae Buckwalter to Assist Miss Swenson
From New York City LDS History
Lu Rae Buckwalter to Assist Miss Swenson
- Poughkeepsie NY Eagle News, March 7, 1932, p. 3
Lu Rae Buckwalter to Assist Miss Swenson
Lu Rae Buckwalter of Boston, Mass. came to this city yesterday to begin her missionary work here for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Miss Buckwalter, who worked formerly in Washington D. C., and Albany, will assist Beth Swenson, who for the past three weeks has been associated with Erma Jones, head of primary work for the Eastern States mission. Miss Jones left Poughkeepsie yesterday morning to resume her regular duties in Brooklyn. She will make a tour of all districts in the mission in the near future.