1844-05-18-The Prophet-Extract from the minutes

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The Prophet, V1 n1, 18 May 1844, page 2

Extract from the minutes of a conference of the Elders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, held at Military Hall, New York, April 3d and 4th, 1844. Elder Wm. Smith in the chair.

Eld. G. T. Leach submitted to the conference a proposition for publishing a weekly paper for the dispensation of our principles, which was read by the clerk.

The proposition was advocated by a large majority of elders present, and Eld. Wm. Smith spoke, at length, in favor of the proposition, and on motion, Resolved. That the proposition be accepted. Resolved. That a committee of five be appointed to carry into effect the proposition.

Whereupon:�Elders Wright, G. T. Leach, Miles, J. Leach and Priest Brocklebank were appointed.

W. H. Miles, Clerk.

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